A Beautiful Smile At Lake Pointe

3 reviews

Category : Service Providers

1447 Highway 6,ste 100
Sugar Land, 77478, Texas

Phone: 281-277-9200

Contact: Christine, Cynthia Jeanni

Timings: 07:00 am - 11:30 am
01:00 pm - 07:00 pm


A Beautiful Smile At Lake Pointe Reviews Write review

5 07/01/2015

I called Dr Jue office for information. I have been very afraid of the dentist all my life. I had bad teeth, broken teeth, and some even hurt. I never smiled and my co-workers thought I was very depressed as never spoke would not go to lunch with friends. The lady on the phone was very caring soft voice made me feel relaxed and gave me appointment that day for a free consultation. I met Dr Jue very very nice man. He gave me a treatment plan to take all my teeth out and do implants and dentures upper & lower. I am so so happy I can not smile big enough now, and I talk all the time and my friends always say how beautiful my teeth are. Thank you Dr Jue. for my life back. You are the best.


4.9 06/30/2015

This is a Beautiful Dental office and Med Spa. The waiting room is out of this world and also has refreshments & snacks for patients. Dr Jue is a excellent Dentist he is caring and very gentle. I am a dental coward and he made me feel really comfortable. His staff if very professional and educated regarding the treatments they provide and they do a excellent job verifying my dental insurance to help me maximize all my benefits so I can have treatment. They also gave me a FREE Facial as a new patient, The spa is top notch I was very impressed and will be a life long patient and spa client. I have referred all my family and friends it is a must see office and the prices are reasonable.

Doris Townsend

4.9 06/30/2015

Dr. Jue is an excellent Dentist he is caring, gentle & passionate about what he does for his patients. I was overwhelmed with the treatment I received by him. My mouth was a mess due to not always having money to spare and dental insurance. He gave me 3 treatment options to what I could do. There was no pressure to do treatments I financed thru there Care Credit and made low monthly payments with intrest free payments. He accepts all ppo insurance plans that I have recently got one. This is a top notch dentist and I invite everyone to visit with him. Thank you Dr Jue you gave me the smile of a life time.



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